Who I am?

David Beraha, MA, Msc


My name is David Beraha and I was born in Vienna in 1987. Here I grew up in an intellectual household. I've always been interested in different ways of life and "the other" and that is why after graduating, I decided to study the subject Social and Cultural Anthropology. I graduated with honors and received the Wiener Rupert-Riedl-Preis.

Since I've always been interested in animals, I started studying Human-Animal Interactions at the Messerli Institute of the University of Veterinary Medicine in Vienna, which I was also able to complete with good results shortly afterwards.

I have been working in the IT sector for a number of years and as a result also have achieved an ITIL 4 certificate.

As a teenager I developed a fascination with Music and playing the drums. Together with my brother, Manuel Beraha, who started playing bass and guitar back then, we improvised for several hours every day for years. During this time we founded a band together with our closest friend Fabian Wessely called Mental Confusion. Our debut album The Curse of Mental Confusion was recorded and mastered at the Soundborn Studio. It was here as well where the album of our band Heartmind with the title Rite of Passage was produced.

I had access to a computer from a young age, which was not usual at the time. As a teenager, I was able to get to grips with various operating systems, even if this served mainly for entertainment at the time. What began as extended evenings of gaming sessions with my brother and friends soon developed into a passion for designing games. Here I specialized in graphic and animation design, as well as general game design and writing of characters, stories and creating puzzles. From this developed the independent game company called Mental Games, having since designed, among other games, a point & click adventure called The Adventures of Mental Confusion Jam One.

My father has been running a photo lab called Photoshop Naschmarkt for as long as I can remember, so it was only a matter of time before I would also be interested in this art form. Long after the business had to close its doors due to digital photo development, I started to be fascinated by Photography myself. I shot a lot of film as a teenager, but started to get seriously into photography only in 2022. This art form has truly opened my eyes and expanded my mind. I love taking time and putting thoughts into each photograph as well as being prepared to take a shot when the right moment presents itself.